Sunday, March 20, 2011


Keeping the Kelly Ann High and Dry for the Winter in Hull Village, Massachusetts

Welcome to Historic Hull Village in Massachusetts

Hockey Practice in Hull Village, Massachusetts

A Typical Hull Village Cottage With a Simple Plank Door & Long Hinges Set Far Back From the Road

A Homey, Old, Hull Cottage Hard by the Road With Wonderful Plank Door and Long Hinges

Spinnaker Island Reflects on the Harbor

Spinnaker Island Connects to Hull via Causeway

View Causeway Connecting Spinnaker Island to Hull, Massachusetts from the Wall of Fort Revere.

 View of Strand Connecting Hull Village, formerly an Island, to Mainland of Hull, Massachusetts

The Wall of Fort Revere from Where the Previous Picture was Taken, Coastal Bay Islands in Background

Looking the Opposite Direction at Inside the Fort From the Same Wall

Navigating Deep Snow in the Interior of Fort Revere, from the same Wall

Fort Revere in Old Hull Village, Massachusetts

Hardware in the Walls of Fort Revere for Anchoring Large Cannon

A Favorite Tree in Hull, out in the middle of Boston Harbor.

This Spiraling Pine Tree is Just One Block From the Tree in Previous Shot

Wind Driven Snow Plastered Trees After Blizzard

Severe Winter Scene of a Frozen Boston Harbor Along the South Shore

A Beautiful New England Garden in Winter

The Cornerstone House in Cohassett Village, Massachusetts

Water in a Snowy Woods

  Natural Tanglewood

 Serene Scene in Parking Lot

 Snow Plastered Scene on a Frozen Pond

 Local Sheep Farm on Massachusetts' South Shore 

 Frozen Pond

 Cute Little Covered Pedestrian Bridge in Hingham, Massachusetts

Snow Plastered Scene in Wompatuck State Park, Hingham, Massachusetts

Hingham Harbor on Massachusetts South Shore

Hull is in the Distance Across Hingham Harbor Which is Part of Boston Harbor

East Boston Waterfront: The Old Lightship Nantucket

Boston : Historic Customs Building is all the way to right, New Brick Courthouse is all the way left

Walking in Deep Snow Along the Charles River Below Beacon Hill in a Snowstorm

The Breakfast Club Diner on Western Ave., Boston, Massachusetts in a Heavy Snowfall 

Lawn Spreader Left on Frozen Surface of the Charles River

Beautiful Interior of the Old Cambridge Public Library

Beautiful Interior of Cambridge Public Library

One More Shot of the Same Room of the Old Cambridge Public Library

My Old Ice Bike, Ross The Hoss, gets rode hard and put up wet too often. Encrusted with snow & ice  here.

                                         Vinnie, the Rogue Leprechaun, Announces the End of Winter!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Byron,Beautiful shots of wintertime.You've got the gift and a really good eye for the composition.
