Sunday, April 3, 2011


 Water Lily or Lotus Flower?
 Lotus Pads or Lily Pads?
 Summer Living, Porch Sitting
 Summer Greenery

 Harvard Classes Begin as Summer Winds Down
 Raft of Lily Pads

Clouds Reflected in Turbulent Black Water

 Interesting Composition

Harvard Students Return to Campus as Summer Winds Down

Harvard University Football Team's Annual Scrimmage Signals End of Summer


  1. Hey Byron,Beautiful photos from the eye of a Texan.-Bryn

  2. Great photos! In one picture of a tree along the Charles, it looks like a big bear is in the bushes to the left! Good to see you are in the neighborhood Byron!

  3. Very nice. What camera was you using. I have a few thousand photo's I've taken from my hikes on Florida trails I've used several different cameras, my latest is a Canon I've had for about 7 or 8 years and the quality of pictures has diminished, as well as the auto focus sensor. I need to get an upgrade. You have a good eye. Take care.
